Important Days in February 2024

Important days in February

Important days in February

February 1February 2February 3February 4February 5
February 6February 7February 8February 9February 10
February 11February 12February 13February 14February 15
February 16February 17February 18February 19February 20
February 21February 22February 23February 25February 25
February 26February 27February 28

Important days of other months

Important Days in JanuaryImportant Days in February
Important Days in MarchImportant Days in April
Important Days in MayImportant Days in June
Important Days in JulyImportant Days in August
Important Days in SeptemberImportant Days in October
Important Days in NovemberImportant Days in December

February 1

National Baked Alaska Day

Car Insurance Day

Decorating With Candy Day

National Serpent Day

February 2

National Hedgehog Day

Marmot Day

National Crepe Day

World Wetlands Day

National Tater Tot Day

World Play Your Ukulele Day

Lung Leavin Day

Groundhog Day

Candlemas Day

National Sled Dog Day

Bubble Gum Day

National Working Naked Day

National Wear Red Day

February 3

National Carrot Cake Day

National Eat Ice Cream For Breakfast Day

Take Your Child To The Library Day

February 4

World Cancer Day

National Stuffed Mushroom Day

National Sweater Day

National Thank A Letter Carrier Day

National Homemade Soup Day

National Create a Vacuum Day

Dump Your Significant Jerk Day

February 5

World Nutella Day

National Chocolate Fondue Day

Western Monarch Day

National Weatherperson’s Day

February 6

National Lame Duck Day

National Frozen Yogurt Day

February 7

Wave All Your Fingers at Your Neighbor Day

National Send A Card To A Friend Day


Rose Day

February 8

Laugh and Get Rich Day

National Kite Flying Day

National Molasses Bar Day

Propose Day

February 9

National Toothache Day

Read in the Bathtub Day

National Pizza Day

Chocolate Day

February 10

National Umbrella Day

National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

National Plimsoll Day

Teddy Day

February 11

National Get Out Your Guitar Day

National Make A Friend Day

Satisfied Staying Single Day

National Pro Sports Wives Day

National Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

National Peppermint Patty Day

White Shirt Day

Promise Day

World Marriage Day

February 12

International Darwin Day

Lost Penny Day

National Plum Pudding Day

Hug Day

February 13

Madly in Love with Me Day

Employee Legal Awareness Day

Get A Different Name Day

National Tortellini Day

World Radio Day

Kiss Day

Extraterrestrial Culture Day

February 14

Valentine’s Day

National Ferris Wheel Day

National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day

International Book Giving Day

Pet Theft Awareness Day

Library Lovers Day

February 15

National Gumdrop Day

Singles Awareness Day

National Hippo Day

February 16

Innovation Day

National Almond Day

National Do a Grouch a Favor Day

Tim Tam Day

February 17

My Way Day

World Human Spirit Day

National Random Act of Kindness Day

World Pangolin Day

February 18

National Battery Day

Pluto Day

National Drink Wine Day

February 19

International Tug-of-War Day

National Chocolate Mint Day

February 20

National Love Your Pet Day

National Cherry Pie Day

National Handcuff Day

February 21

International Mother Language Day

National Sticky Bun Day

February 22

Single Tasking Day

World Thinking Day

National Margarita Day

Walking the Dog Day

National Cook a Sweet Potato Day

Be Humble Day

National Chili Day

February 23

International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

National Banana Bread Day

Curling is Cool Day

Play Tennis Day

February 24

National Tortilla Chip Day

World Bartender Day

Open That Bottle Night Day

February 25

National Chocolate Covered Peanuts Day

National Clam Chowder Day

February 26

National Pistachio Day

For Pete’s Sake Day

National Tell A Fairy Tale Day

Levi Strauss Day

National Carpe Diem Day

February 27

International Polar Bear Day

National Strawberry Day

National Kahlua Day

No Brainer Day

February 28

National Chocolate Souffle Day

National Tooth Fairy Day

National Floral Design Day

National Public Sleeping Day

Inconvenience Yourself Day

February 29

Digital Learning Day

February is the second month of the Julian Calendar and Gregorian Calendar, and it is the shortest month to have 28 days in common years and 29 days in the leap years (366 days). The word “February” is named after the Latin Word “Februum.” Numa Pompilius in 700BCE added the February Month to the calendar along with January to meet the requirement of the standard lunar year of 355 days. It becomes the second month of the year around 450 BCE, even though it was the last month of the year in the old Roman Calendar. In the Roman Calendar, the month of February was shortened to either 23 or 24 days at certain times, in which the 27-day intercalary month was added after February to realign the year with the seasons. At the reform of the Julian calendar, the intercalary month was removed and the leap years were added for every year. Thus February gained the 29th day in the leap years.

During the regular years, the first day of February month starts on the same day as of March and November. During leap years, the first day of the February month begins on the same day as of August. Violet is the birth flower for February and Amethyst is the birthstone for February. The amethyst symbolizes sincerity, piety, humility, and spiritual wisdom.  Every day in February is attached to some special celebrations, holidays, festivals, and special observations. The important holidays, national days, and international days observed on every day of February 2024 are listed above. Keep on visiting us to know the Important Days in February.