A clerihew is a funny and four-line biographical poetry invented by Edmund Clerihew Bentley. Writing a complete biography in four-line, but several poets do this brilliantly. The day is celebrated on July 10 of every year to celebrate their poetry and creation. Let’s see more about Clerihew day, its history, and how it is celebrated in the upcoming article.

History of Clerihew Day

History of the day

The day is celebrated every year on July 10th, the birthday anniversary of Edmund Clerihew Bentley. He is the creator of this form of poetry and a master of it. Here is one of his famous works done in 1905

Sir Christopher Wren
Said, “I am going to dine with some men.
If anyone calls
Say I am designing St. Paul’s.”[1] – Bentley

How to Celebrate the Day

Clerihew Day

The day is celebrated popularly by poets and poetry institutions around the world annually. On this day, you can also learn to write Clerihew poetry. But before writing one, you should know the rule of Clerihew Poems like

  • It should have only four lines.
  • The Poem should be a rhyming structure of AA/BB.
  • The fireline of the Poem must include a person’s name (mostly pokes fun at famous people)
  • Then write something about that person from a unique point of view.
  • It should be whimsical, which doesn’t mean Clerihews are not satirical or abusive.

You can also share about the day on a social media platform like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., with your own Clerihew Poem or by citing some famous poet’s Poem along with the hashtag #ClerihewDay.

Some of the famous Clerihew Poems

Sir Humphry Davy
Abominated gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.

– Bentley

George the Third
Ought never to have occurred.
One can only wonder
At so grotesque a blunder.

– Bentley

John Stuart Mill,
By a mighty effort of will,
Overcame his natural bonhomie
And wrote Principles of Political Economy.

– Bentley

Sir Henry Rider Haggard
Was completely staggered
When his bride-to-be
Announced, “I am She!”

– W. H. Auden

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