Etch A Sketch Day is observed on July 12 of every year. Etch A Sketch is a mechanical toy used for drawing and was invented by André Cassagnes of France. The Ohio Art Company manufactured it, and now it is owned by Spin Master of Canada. Etch a sketch has gone through many evolutions since 1950 and has crossed many generations as a timeless toy. Many must have used this sketch in their childhood to draw pictures on the screen and remove them using a plastic slider. The day is celebrated mainly in many organizations. This day commemorates etching a sketch and encourages everyone to be creative and fun.

I call it the Etch A Sketch life. Every few years, you should shake that thing up.” – John Tesh.

History of Etch A Sketch Day

Etch a sketch was first introduced to the market on July 12, 1960. The day celebrates the toy’s success, and July 12 was selected because it was when the Etch sketch was first sold on the market. This was sold more than 6 lakh units and was one of the best-known toys of that period. Etch a drawing is owned by Spin Master Corp, a leading children’s entertainment company. This organization celebrates the day by introducing new products related to etching a sketching device. In addition, Spin Master Corp bought etch a sketch in 2016 and honored the day by making a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS, by simultaneously making people draw on the sketch worldwide.

Etch A Sketch Day

Other Celebrations on July 12

July 12 is also celebrated as

How to celebrate the day

Celebrate the day by simply drawing and scribbling on paper. The day encourages people to do some artworks and stories which we must have lastly done in our childhood. One can buy this sketch to relish today with some sketching. This toy can be a great tool if you are interested in drawing or painting. Few organizations celebrate the day by exhibiting the best artworks from their collections. Post pictures and share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #EtchASketchDay.

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy Etch A Sketch Day 2024.