National Chocolate Macaroon Day is celebrated every year on June 3rd. Macaroons are one of the most delicious chocolate-filled cookies with a light coating proving a perfect combination of textures. The National Chocolate Macaroon Day celebrates this macaroon that is rich in chocolate and makes you indulge in this chocolate treat. The day falls closely after the National Macaroon Day just by adding the delicious chocolate over the cookie.

“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.” – Linda Grayson

History of National Chocolate Macaroon Day

Macaroons have been a favorite snack for many in various cultures all over the world, says history. Each of them has its own variation with its local ingredients. The National Chocolate Macaroon Day is celebrated to praise the significance of the Chocolate macaroon and its ability to make anyone better who snacks it.

National Chocolate Macaroon Day

Other Celebrations on June 3

June 3 is also celebrated as

How to Celebrate the Day

Needless to say, grab your piece of Chocolate Macaroon on this day and enjoy tasting it how much ever you can. Prepare your own hot Chocolate Macaroon, then add the flavor you like and make the day memorable. You don’t have to be a cook or a chef to make this simple Chocolate Macaroon. You can make your chocolate macaroon with simple ingredients at home.


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 cup ground almonds
  • 3 tablespoons cocoa
  • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar

Take a bowl and mix egg whites(unbeaten), almonds, and powdered sugar till you have a sticky but cohesive mixture. Fill a large bowl with cold water to dip your hands to wet them before rolling the mixture into small balls the size of walnuts. You will have to dip your hand into the water while rolling into balls. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F and place a baking sheet. Arrange the macaroon balls on the baking sheet and allow them to bake for 11 minutes. It is not sure that your macaroons are ready as they will be squishy but get a little harder as they cool. Anyways they will be damp within which makes the Macaroons special.

Share the dish with your friends and family and click a picture together. Share your pictures on social media with the hashtag #NationalChocolateMacaroonDay. 

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Chocolate Macaroon Day 2024.