Nothing is more relaxing than leaving the office earlier! We all love our jobs, but we all often dream of leaving the office a bit earlier than we normally do. Especially during the winter months, we get frustrated as it will still be dark when we leave for work and already dark when we leave work. It is just for these people for whom National Leave The Office Earlier Day was created. So, on this day, pack up your things and get out of your office sooner than usual to celebrate the day. The day is celebrated on June 2nd unless it is a weekend. In that case, the day will be celebrated the following Monday or the closest working day. The day is to encourage people to spend some time for themselves and get relaxed from their daily chores. An added advantage of this day is that you could avoid the peak hour traffic on that day!

If hard work were such a wonderful thing, surely the rich would have kept it all to themselves.” – Lane Kirkland

History of National Leave the Office Early Day

The National Leave the Office Early Day was invented by Laura Stack, an employee productivity specialist. Laura Stack noted that Americans work about 49 hours a week, which is, on the whole, more than 350 hours a year than Europeans. This could be a health destructive factor, he thought. The day is an incentive for the employees to complete the tasks before the schedule, using extra effort to increase productivity so that they can leave the office earlier. This greatly lessens the idleness among the workers and encourages them to rush up the tasks scheduled for them with increased potential.

The day is a win-win situation for both the employees and the employers. It, in turn, proves that happy employees are more productive, and it is a positive reinforcement, and people often respond better to this. More work done in less time is actually good for the business, which in turn reflects on the goodness of the employees. The National Leave the Office Early Day increases productivity without creating any hassle between the employees and the organization. It also creates empathy between the workers and the bosses and also among the co-workers. Thus, overall, National Leave the Office Early Day has a positive impact on the industry and, in turn, a win-win situation in society.

Other Celebrations on June 3

June 3 is also celebrated as

How to Celebrate the Day

On the National Get out of the Office Early Day, Make sure you inform your managers and co-workers prior to that you will be leaving early. Also, make sure you finish all of your work beforehand. You will get the satisfaction of getting things done earlier. If you are a boss, make sure your workers complete the tasks assigned to them earlier, and you could let them celebrate the National Leave the Office Early Day. Use this day to do something fun since you are out early from work. Hang out for a movie together or for your favorite restaurant or bar with your co-workers. Share a picture with your co-workers on this day on social media with the hashtag #LeaveTheOfficeEarlierDay.

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Leave the Office Early Day 2024.