World Compliment Day is celebrated on March 1 of every year. World Compliment Day marks the fundamental human need for appreciation and acknowledgment. Nothing motivates a human being other than being complimented and recognition always gives positive energy and makes people happy. In business, if you provide a genuine appreciation for someone, it will give them more power, and it helps to raise productivity. It also makes that person more dedicated to the business than before.

I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain.

History of World Compliment Day

World Compliment Day is founded by a recognized professional named Hans Poortvliet in the Netherlands in the year 2001. He initially started this day in the Netherlands, and after it gained popularity in the Netherlands, he decided to spread this day worldwide. This unofficial holiday is now observed in many countries like Belgium, Norway, etc. This Day is called “The Most Positive Day in The World”. It is created as a way to spread positive energy and happiness around the globe. Hans Poortvliet encourages people to use words to appreciate and compliment someone instead of gifts so, anyone can easily participate in this day. Hans Poortvliet says that at least understand three people sincerely on this day; it will make them feel positive and help them to achieve their goals.

World Compliment Day

Other Celebrations on March 1

March 1 is also celebrated as

How to Celebrate the Day

On this day, offer a sincere compliment to someone who is very special to you and who helped you in many ways. On Compliment Day, appreciate your family members, friends, colleagues for being there in your life. Also, post the picture of those people who you like to thank and share your thoughts on social media about the day by using the hashtag #WorldComplimentDay.

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy World Compliment Day 2024.