Global Running Day is celebrated annually on the first Wednesday of June. This year, it falls on June 5, and it is a day to celebrate the sport of running. Participants of all ages and abilities pledge to take part in the type of running activity by adding their names to the Running Day website. Global Running Day is the evolution of the United States, started in 2009, and race organizations throughout the nation. The inaugural Global Running Day was held on June 1, 2016. More than 2.5 million people from 177 countries pledged to run more than 9.2 million miles. New York City, Bill de Blasio, declared June 1, 2016, to be Global Running Day in the City of New York. Boston Marathon winner Meb Keflezighi led a run from the Boston Run Base with the group, and the Atlanta Track Club organized a “run around the clock” event, where at least one person from the Atlanta metro area would be running every hour of Global Running Day.

History of Global Running Day

To bring people together who love Running, Running Month was established and describes a particular gait of movement in general; both feet leave the ground at some point. Also, Running always happens at the same speed, even in the same person. Jogging and Sprinting are considered forms of racing but distinctly differ from a run. Human beings cannot always run. Admittedly, it was a long time. When Australopithecus was our first upright ancestor, it kept evolving. We gained the ability to have a long-striding run nearly 4.5 million years ago. It was vital to our existence as a species as we engaged in what is known as ‘persistence hunting,’ where catching the prey often involved a days-long hunt to track and wear the animal down until it could no longer flee and collapsed from pure exhaustion.

Other Celebrations on June 5

June 5 is also celebrated as

How to Celebrate the Day

Celebrating Global Running Day is simple and exciting.  It is also a day for everyone around the world to celebrate the joys of running. For those of you who think of running as physical torture or who believe that a jog on the treadmill is about as exciting as watching paint dry, no, I’m not sarcastic: running really can be fun. Participation is easy; just pledge to take part in any racing. Running day celebrations are more fun with others, and there are listed ways that you can celebrate with others either locally in the cities or with us, wherever in a virtual format. To share them with others on social media by using the hashtag #Runningday.

Thank you for reading the post. Celebrate every day with and Happy Global Running Day 2024.