National Hug A Sheep Day is an annual commemoration celebrated on October 28th of this year. Sheep are woolly, fluffy, snuggly, and bouncy. There are numerous things we obtain from the sheep like wool, meat, lanolin, and more. Sheep, indeed need to be hugged for all the hard work they do. National Hug A Sheep Day celebrates all the sheep, both wild and domestic.

“Like sheep that get lost nibbling away at the grass because they never look up, we often focus so much on ourselves and our problems that we get lost.” – Allen Klein

History of National Hug A Sheep Day

National Hug A Sheep Day was celebrated for the first time in the year 1992. The last Saturday of every October marks this observance. The celebration of the day honors the birthday of the sheep named Punkin. It was the first sheep the Crazy Sheep Lady of the Equinox Farms ever called her own. Punkin was rescued from the Bluegrass Stockyards in 1992 “to stop something bad from happening to him.” The sheep, Punkin died 12 years later in 2004, and the Crazy Sheep Lady thought to do something to memorialize his passing. The Lady conceived to encourage people everywhere to show how much they love the sheep. Thus, Hug A Sheep Day was born, and over the years it gradually grew to be an international event with farms holding open farm days. There were other related activities conducted to help the people show up and hug a sheep.

National Hug A Sheep Day

Other Celebrations on October 28

October 28 is also celebrated as

How to Celebrate the Day

If you have farmland with sheep, take this day to hug a sheep. You can open your form on this day to let people hug a sheep. Those who don’t own a sheep can make use of the open farmland to hug a sheep. Call upon your friends for the sheep-themed party. Post and share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #NationalHugASheepDay.

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Hug A Sheep Day 2023.