Sindhi is the official language in countries like Pakistan and India. It is one of the scheduled languages officially recognized by the central government of India. This language comes under the language family of Indo-European and has about 32 million native speakers all around the world. People who speak the language are called Sindhis. It has various dialects: Sindhi, Siroli, Vicholi, Lari, Lasi, Thari, Sindhi Bhil, and Kutchi. It has two writing systems: Laṇḍā scripts, Khudabadi, Khojki, Gurmukhi, Perso-Arabic script, Devanagari script, Gujarati script, and Roman Sindhi. In the upcoming article, let’s see how to say months of the year in Sindhi.

Months of the Year in Sindhi

In Sindhi, the word month is written as مهينو and the plural form of the month is written as مهينا (months). So let’s see about the Oriya Months of the year in the article below.

How to Say Oriya Months of the Year

Sindhi Calendar is based on Moon Movement and these months may not exactly align with the Christian calendar which is based on Sun. As per the lunar calendar, there are only 28 days per month.

Sindhi MonthsSindhi Months DurationTransliteration
ويساکMid-April to mid-MayWesakh
ڄيٺMid-May to mid-JuneJheth
آکاڙMid-June to mid-JulyAkhar
سانوڻMid-July to mid-AugustSaanwan
بڊوMid-August to mid-SeptemberBaddo
اسوMid-September to mid-OctoberAsav
ڪتيMid-October to mid-NovemberKatee
ناهريMid-November to mid-DecemberNahri
پوههMid-December to mid-JanuaryPoh
ماگههMid-January to mid-FebruaryMaangh
ڦڳڻMid-February to mid-MarchPhagun
چيٽMid-March to mid-AprilChet

Days Based on Months:

Important Days in JanuaryImportant Days in February
Important Days in MarchImportant Days in April
Important Days in MayImportant Days in June
Important Days in JulyImportant Days in August
Important Days in SeptemberImportant Days in October
Important Days in NovemberImportant Days in December

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