National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5 of every year. National Bird Day is one of the holidays celebrating Birds. Birds are sentinel breeds whose plight serves as the barometer of ecosystem health and alert system for detecting global environmental ills. Now, nearly 12% of the world’s 9800 species of bird may experience extinction, including 330 species of parrots, within the next century. Many Parrot species and songbirds are in danger of extinction due to pressures from the illegal trade of pets, habitat loss, and diseases. Now the survival and well-being of the world’s birds depend upon Pubilc Education and support for conservation. So National Bird Day is the day to create awareness or education about the physical and behavioral needs that need to improve the welfare of the millions of birds kept in captivity.

Everyone likes Birds, what wild creature is more accessible to our eyes, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird.” – David Attenborough

History of National Bird Day

In 1894, Charles Almanzo Babcock, Superintendent of Schools in Oil City, Pennsylvania, announced the first holiday to celebrate birds as National Bird Day in the United States. Initially, it is named after International Migratory Day, although it is not related to National Bird Day. Bird Day marks the end of the yearly Christmas Bird Number in the Middle of the 21st Century. Christmas Bird Count lasts three weeks, and it is the longest citizen science survey in the entire world that helps us to monitor the health of our nation’s birds. Peoples and Birders go out and will count the birds as many as they can see.

National Bird Day

Once the period ends, our focus will turn to captive birds, and January 5 is the day of the new beginning for captive birds. From 1979, Bird Lovers in the UK took the role in the Annual Big Garden Birdwatch. Up to nearly half a million people had spent almost an hour counting the birds in the annual event organized by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

Other Celebrations on January 5

January 5 is also celebrated as

How to Celebrate the Day

Celebrate the day by learning about the wonders of different birds. Creating awareness or educating the people about the survival of birds depends on public awareness and support for conservation. Raise awareness on social media about the existence of birds by using the hashtag #NationalBirdDay.

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Bird Day 2024.