National Cordon Bleu Day is celebrated on April 4 of every year. Cordon Bleu is a dish made with chicken, veal, or pork, which will be wrapped around cheese and ham, then rolled in breadcrumbs and deep-fried or baked. The dish will be served with Dijon Cream Sauce. Chicken Breast is the most common meat used for Cordon Bleu. The day is to celebrate the most common and favorite dish of many people in the United States.

If you’ve attended the Cordon Bleu, you would know that no woman is supposed to be a chef – only men.” – Sandra Lee

History of National Cordon Bleu Day

The creator and the reason for the creation of National Cordon Bleu Day remain a mystery. Although Cordon Bleu is a French term meaning Blue Ribbon, this dish originated as schnitzel in Switzerland. It was first mentioned in a cookbook in 1949. Chicken Cordon Bleu came to the United States in 1967 when it was first referred to in The New York Times, while a similar recipe made from veal was found to appear in 1955. After 1967, the popularity of the dish spread all over the country. Despite its French name, it is often misunderstood as an American dish.

National Cordon Bleu Day

Other Celebrations on April 4

April 4 is also celebrated as

How to celebrate the day

The day is celebrated all around the country by cordon bleu lovers. There is a variety of cordon bleu dishes available all around the world, so take time to know about them and the history of the dish. This dish is widely enjoyed all over the globe with the variation of meat used inside to stuff. You can celebrate the day by making any one of the variations and eating up with your friends. Share your thoughts on social media about National Cordon Bleu Day by using the hashtag #CordonBleuDay.

Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Cordon Bleu Day 2024.