National Author’s Day comes on November 1 of every year. It is a day to honor all the authors and encourage every writer in life to keep working on their magnum opus. Writing a novel or a small story is hard. To achieve their dreams, encourage all the authors for writing their favorite books and thank every writer and author around you in any way. Authors’ Day celebrates all the wonders that have been spun into the world by the pen of these creative souls of all the authors.
All writers are vain, selfish and lazy, and at the very bottom of their motives lies a mystery. Writing a book is a long, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand. – George Orwell
History of National Author’s Day
The creator of National Author’s Day is still unknown. In 1928, Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, the president of the Bement, Illinois Women’s Club suggested setting aside a day to celebrate American authors. She was a teacher and an avid reader throughout her life. While she was recuperating in the hospital during World War I, she wrote a fan letter to Irving Bacheller, a fiction writer by telling him how much she enjoyed reading his story Eben Holden’s Last Day A’ Fishin. Upon receiving her letter, Irving Bacheller sent her an autographed copy of another story, and it was then that McPherson realized that she would never be able to thank him well for his gift.
Other Celebrations on November 1
November 1 is also celebrated as
How to Celebrate National Author’s Day
Celebrating National Author’s Day is simple and easy. There are two ways to celebrate National Author’s Day, either by picking up a favorite author or finding one you haven’t read yet and finally reading it. You can go to your local library and discuss the possibilities with the people there, no one knows All the Authors like your local librarian. You can also encourage children and young people to read famous authors’ books by explaining the merits of reading books they wrote. Use the hashtag #NationalAuthorsDay to express your views on social media.
Thank you for reading the post. You can celebrate every day with and Happy National Author’s Day 2023.