National Lemonade Day

National Lemonade Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of every May. This year it falls on May 6. National Lemonade Day is a day to enjoy the refreshing glass of lemonade, but more importantly, it is a day to give freshers an opportunity to experience the taste of success. Lemonade is a group of sweetened beverages all characterized by the lemon flavour. The primary purpose of this day is to educate children about starting and running their own business and to assist them to try it for themselves.

Each time you go to the grocery store with your kids, it is a potential learning opportunity. In order not to overemphasize materialism, focus on other things to do with money. In ‘Beyond the Lemonade Stand,’ I try to emphasize the importance of saving money, and of using it to help other people.” – Bill Rancic

History of National Lemonade Day

In 2007, Lisa and Michael Holthouse created the National Lemonade Day in Houston, Texas. Lisa Holthouse was encouraged to set up the National Lemonade Day by an incident from her childhood. She had required buying a turtle as a pet, but her dad refused to pay for it and Lisa set up a lemonade stand outside her house to raise the money to purchase the turtle herself. National Lemonade Day aims at helping the children to do the same, and registered children are given all the information they need to set up their lemonade stand. Most lemonade varieties can be separated into two distinct types: cloudy and clear; each is known simply as “Lemonade” in countries where dominant. Cloudy lemonade, mostly available in North America and India, is a traditionally homemade drink made with lemon juice, water, and the sweetener such as cane sugar or honey. Located in the United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, Clear Lemonade is a lemon flavoured the carbonated soft drink.

National Lemonade Day

Lemonade Day

Other Celebrations on May 6

May 6 is also celebrated as

How to celebrate the National Lemonade Day

Celebrate the National Lemonade Day by teaching essential analytical skills, financial literacy, decision making, self-esteem and new mindsets that can propel youth to success and also support the students to become the business leaders, community volunteers, social advocates and forward-thinking citizens of tomorrow. You can use the hashtag #LemonadeDay to post on social media.

Thank you for reading the post. Celebrate every day with and Happy National Lemonade Day 2018.