Save Your Photos Day is celebrated Last Saturday in September. This year, it will be celebrated on September 23. Moments captured are always precious, and those memories last forever. Hundreds and thousands of photos are lost due to the natural disaster. It is indeed necessary for anyone to save the moments which they have captured. Back up all your digital photos and never miss them at any point. The day will remind you to safeguard these treasures as they are your memories.

“One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we tend to take photos of happy occasions, they weight our memories to the good.” – Gretchen Rubin

History of Save Your Photos Day

Save Your Photos Day

The Association of Personal Photo Organizers founded Save Your Photos Day. The commemoration of the day was started with an aim to educate people about the importance of preserving their photos, wonderful memories, and history. The day also marks the idea to organize, share, and safeguard their lovable moments from being lost accidentally and mishaps of their size. It is important to save your perishable memories from natural disasters like floods, fires, tornados, and human or computer mishandling. Back up all the photos to save your memories for several years now with technological development. Save Your Photos Day is just a reminder to safeguard all your collection. You can orderly organize your photos with the person’s name, date, and venue. Scan all the photos and save them on a cloud. 

Other Celebrations on September 23

September 24 is also celebrated as

How to Celebrate the Day

Save Your Photos Day can be celebrated in many ways. Firstly, you need to collect all your so far taken photographs in digital format, scan them, and upload them to your favorite cloud storage. You can even opt for the premium plan when free storage is not sufficient. Tell your family and friends about the importance of saving the photos as they save one’s memory on this day. Post and share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #SaveYourPhotosDay.

Thank you for reading the post. Visit to celebrate every day. Happy Save Your Photos Day 2023.